
I am involved in the research and development of RRP*, which have new values differing from cigarettes.

*Reduced-Risk Products: Products with the potential to reduce the health risks associated with smoking

Technology Development

Ryota Matsuba

Development of devices for heated tobacco products

After engaging in science research related to cigarettes and RRP*, I am currently responsible for the development of devices for heated tobacco products.

I specialized in chemical engineering in graduate school and entered the JT Group in 2017. I engaged in studies on paper filters for cigarettes at the Research Laboratory responsible for science research. Although paper filters have the feature of easily decomposing in the environment, they also had issues from the viewpoint of improving tastes and flavors. I was therefore involved in investigating additives to improve them with the goal of practical application. I also participated in projects related to RRP*. While mainstream RRP* heat tobacco leaves or liquid allowing consumers to enjoy the vapor that is generated, the project I participated in consisted of research on new vapor generation methods, with the goal of providing values and tastes that had never been seen before. I am currently in charge of designing and evaluating the heating components used in devices for heated tobacco products, at a department responsible for RRP* device development.

*Reduced-Risk Products: Products with the potential to reduce the health risks associated with smoking

Recognizing different types of appeal by engaging in development work in addition to science research

Work in the field of science research which I was previously responsible for begins by gaining an understanding of various phenomena and then suggesting directions for research to take toward development. In other words, it had the appeal of creating something from nothing. On the other hand, the development tasks I am currently working on have a different type of attraction than research, the satisfaction of delivering the products we have developed to consumers. Development work is faced with short deadlines and requires close coordination with other departments, and the qualities of the work also differ.
We are presently right in the midst of developing a new product. There is no task that can be completed by a single person, and we proceed in our work while cooperating with teams in charge of electric design, mechanical design, and manufacturing. Furthermore, when we reach the stage of mass production, coordination with divisions having the roles of part procurement and quality assurance will also become essential. For example, advance discussions and sharing of progress status regarding the timing to finalize specifications for parts with long lead times until delivery, and matters that must be ensured for individual parts and overall devices, will be critical. At times, problems that we never expected can occur, so we work while receiving help from experienced colleagues, allowing us to truly feel the dynamic nature and excitement of development work.

*Reduced-Risk Products: Products with the potential to reduce the health risks associated with smoking

By continuing to develop new technology and products, I want to contribute to creating the added value of RRP*.

From here on, I want to continue being involved in the development of RRP*. I believe that RRP* which utilizes new technology can provide new values to consumers well into the future. Combinations of device technology and tobacco technology can achieve superior user experiences, and have the potential to change the environment surrounding tobacco products. If I have a chance, I would also like to become involved with operations other than research and development. I believe that understanding and gaining experience with value chains and supply chains aside from those for research and development, such as for manufacturing or quality assurance, will be of great use in the development of new technology and products. In the future, I hope to do work related to RRP*, which has the potential to build a new future for tobacco products, and to continue contributing to the creation of added value for tobacco products and the corporate value of the JT Group.

*Reduced-Risk Products: Products with the potential to reduce the health risks associated with smoking